I just wanted to share a quick thought I've been pondering. It's about babies. It's fitting since today is the day we celebrate in honour of our Saviour's entry into the world as a little baby.
I'm fortunate enough to spend a fair amount of time with my favourite little boy. He's a happy one-year-old with a full head of dark curls and the sweetest smile. He's the son of two of my very good friends. Anyhoo, the other day I was lucky enough to be the first one to hear him wake-up from his afternoon nap. I walked into the room and leaned over the crib and this little guy with his eyes still squinty from sleep blessed me with a big beautiful sleepy smile when he saw me. It was such a heart-warming feeling to have this little person look at me like that. I lifted him out of the crib and he let his head rest on my shoulder as I carried him out to his mom. That warm-fuzzy feeling stayed with me the rest of the day and has stayed with me in the weeks following. It got me to thinking about Jesus' birth.
After all, I was overtaken with the warm-fuzzies by a baby that is not even my own. Imagine how Mary felt holding her miracle first-born who she has been told will change the world. If my favourite little boy could make my heart melt with a single sleepy smile imagine how the shepherds and wisemen felt when they were blessed in the presence of a Holy child. If the baby Jesus smiled at them, I would imagine that their hearts would feel like they could burst. Perhaps that, along with a bright star and a multitude of angels made their belief so big that they could have moved mountains at that moment if they had so desired.
So I was just thinking if you want the warm-fuzzies when you think of the meaning of Christmas, try thinking of your favourite little one and how they make you feel and then multiply that feeling to suit the power and glory of our Lord and Saviour born in the form of a little child.
Merry Christmas and God Bless.
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