Friday, September 30, 2011

Hodgepodge & Awesome #4 - Positive Outcomes

I know I don’t have to apologize for neglecting frequent posting to better manage my currently busy circumstances, but I personally wish that I could have posted more lately. I have many new thoughts that I’m excited about and have been thinking on and I can’t wait to write them out in this wonderful medium. However, I’m a bit stretched for writing time at the moment, so I thought I would at least give a preview of some topics I’ve been writing on with a hodgepodge of “Awesomeness” thrown in for good measure. 
I’ve been thinking lately about “rules” about why they exist, who makes, them, why we break them etc. I’ve been thinking about maturity, particularly spiritual maturity. I’ve been experiencing what it means to have a real relationship with God and the freedom that it brings. I’ve also put a lot of thought into the amount of unnecessary stress we put ourselves through. There’s also been a lot of awesomeness - but I’ll leave you with one piece of awesome for now.
You know when you are anticipating something really bad to happen? When you feel a slight bit panicky and apprehensive and sick to your stomach with worry? You know you have to take action and deal with it but you’d rather just crawl into a hole and die? Ya, that feeling. 
So there you are, all wound up about this “something” that you’ve made out to be a big deal in your head. You get the nerve to step up and deal with it. You brace yourself, expecting this waterfall of “badness” to pour down on you. . .and then. . .nothing. The world doesn’t end, in fact, nothing bad happens. Actually, you can hardly believe it, but something GOOD comes out of it.  

And that, that is AWESOME!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Awesome Stuff # 3: Friendship

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.”  

-A.A Milne, Winnie the Pooh

When I was young, I don’t think I valued friendship enough. This may have been because I was very, very close to my family as I was growing up, it may have been because I was bullied and developed a strong distrust of my peers as a kid, it may have been because I’m an introvert or maybe its because I was selfish. It was probably a combination of all of those things. I look back and realize that I really didn’t know what I was missing. Having good friends is amazingly wonderful!
I have looked back at the last two years of my life in particular and I’ve wondered how it is that I have been blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people. I sure didn’t deserve it. There were friendships I leaned very heavily on in times of trouble and friendships I let fall by the wayside, friendships I neglected and friendships I smothered. Yet everyone stuck with me, had faith in me, believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself, waited patiently for me to get around to spending time with them again. These brave souls thought I was worth it! 
These friends have been such a blessing in my life that it encourages me to try harder to give more of myself to others in friendship that I might be able to be a blessing in other people’s lives too. I want to help and listen and serve and celebrate and be a good friend the way my friends have been to me. 
Having true-blue friends. . .

"Friendship," said Christopher Robin, "is a very comforting thing to have".

 -A.A Milne, Winnie the Pooh

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Sound of Silence

Nope, this one’s not about Simon and Garfunkel - though I’m giving them props because it’s only fair since I’m stealing their title. 
I’m wondering how much the media has infiltrated your life? Does it influence your decisions, your mood, your purchases, the way you raise your family? Is it a non-corporeal safety blanket in your life? Do you need the constant hum of a television, radio, iPod, video game in the background to make you feel comfortable? Up until recently I could have answered “yes” to all of these questions. I mean, I always knew that the media treated me like a moron - “you need to wear this to look pretty”, “you need to have this feature in your car” “if you use this toothpaste your teeth will be so white they can see them from space” yadayadayada. I knew all of the different techniques the media uses to get you buy a certain product or to shift the political climate. Yet, instead of choosing to do something about it, I just accepted it as a normal part of life and in doing so I continued to let unhealthy, unnecessary, sometimes completely idiotic messages infiltrate my consciousness and subconsciousness. Why let  my critical brain matter waste its time on such garbage? 
Let’s back it up a bit though. I’m not saying that all TV programming is bad, that all music is bad, or that the news isn’t important. What I am saying is that the media is a tool that we should be using with purpose and intent - not letting it use us. You can be assured that advertisers and other media moguls have purpose and intent when they release their message to the masses. Likewise, we should have just as much purpose and intent when it comes to what we read, watch and listen to. 
I used to read the newspaper or watch The National everyday. At one point it was part of my job to read several newspapers a day. Unfortunately, I have a weakness of letting sad or disturbing news stories get to me - this would set my morning or evening up for frustration or sadness just from what I was reading in the news. After all, big news stories tend revolve around tragedy, injustice, violence, politics, poverty and greed. It is important to stay informed, but is it necessary to focus on these same types of stories every day? I think once a week should be sufficient. If its big news its not going anywhere and you probably won’t need a newspaper or radio to hear about it anyway. 
As for television - well, who doesn’t like curling up in front of the television on a sleepy, cold day and just turning off your brain while you channel surf? It’s an awesome thing once in awhile - but the truth is if you’re spending the majority of your free time in front of a television you’re probably wasting your life away, especially with some of the programming out there (does anyone else remember when TLC used to be educational and informative?). Society’s general lack of self-discipline when it comes to television has made our culture desensitized, entertainment dependent and grossly obese. Kids are being raised by Treehouse (children’s shows just ain’t what they used to be ;) Adults are turning off their brains far too often because TV is simply too easy of an escape from their daily challenges. I’ve gone without television in my home for over a year now. And honestly, their are days when I really miss it (like the sleepy, cold ones) but surprisingly, those days are fewer in number than I thought. Without television I study more, read more, get more house work done and I spend a whole lot less (I’m at least $100 richer every month). Life is simpler with less drama taking up brain space and no more countless minutes of my short life being used up on Cover Girl commercials. I really do think its worth trying out. 
My latest challenge has been cutting back on radio and music usage. I absolutely love music. I was raised on it. My dad listens to just about anything and everything from Scottish folk music to classic rock to country. On top of that he can play guitar, ukelele, harmonica and he’s learning the banjo and is playing with a mandolin. I grew up playing piano and singing in numerous choirs. There’s nothing wrong with music in and of itself, but I think we can all agree that no matter what our tastes there is some pretty bad “music” out there. I’ve decided that I don’t need to be subjected to it. I’ve also decided that although music is a wonderful thing, there is also something wonderful about being able to sit comfortably or go about your day in silence as well. This was tricky for me. Living alone gets - as the word suggests - lonely. Its nice to have the sounds of human interaction in the background. I didn’t realize how dependent I had become on it though. I realized that I was uncomfortable sitting quietly in my own house with my own thoughts. This disturbed me. After all, if you’re not comfortable with your own thoughts you’re always going to be pushing them away - and they might turn out be really great thoughts! This is what I have discovered. By making an effort to go about my day without music or radio personalities in the background I’ve been able to focus so much better on things that I need to be thinking about - like what’s really important in life.
What’s important in life is not what’s happening on the next episode of Grey’s Anatomy. It’s not the latest release from Taylor Swift and its not the latest nomination in the provincial leadership race. What’s important is spending time with the people you love and care about, about making an effort to give love and caring to others, about learning new things and having new life experiences and for me its also about trying live my faith daily. These are all easier to accomplish without constant media distractions. Intent and purpose people! Intent and purpose.