And I'm not all that bitter really. Sure, as a person of the dreaded lack of marital status I get a bit tired of Vday being shoved down my throat in all forms of advertising and being disqualified from some awesome contest opportunities because of my lack of a significant other. However, over all, I'm for a day that makes someone feel special and loved.
But my heart definitely goes out to those who don't feel special and loved. I get that too. After all, there were no flowers for me today, no card, no chocolates, no special supper, no hugs and kisses and no "I love you"s. And as pathetic as that sentence looks, it's not a pity party, it's just fact. There are more facts though - I also didn't have a "significant other" hit me or verbally abuse me, I wasn't forgotten about or stood up. Seems like a fair trade off I suppose.

On top of all that - God loves me and knows the desires of my heart and He has a plan. All I have to do is trust that He's working in my best interests and delight in His presence. Each day is a new adventure.
I'm just devoting my time to a particular project this month. Come March I'll be back with more posts.
Happy Valentine's Day. I hope that even though you might not FEEL like you're special and loved - you still KNOW that you're special and loved.
good writing Lex. It is true, that over all God loves each one of us... The poor people who spent yesterday with not even know HE loves them...